Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2016

Terms & Conditions...

Who is setting the terms and conditions of your relationship with budo..?
You see the phrase "Terms and Conditions" a lot these days. Every time you sign an agreement or buy something, you are forced to acknowledge the 'terms and conditions' under which you accept the deal and move on...but who decides who these terms and conditions are good for...why, the guy selling you what you want of course! And to increase the odds that you'll accept their 'terms & conditions' they present you with thousands of them...far too many for the average person to bother scrutinizing.

Most of you reading this are lazy, there, I've said it. You accept all sorts of terms and conditions that are bad for you, and rather than 'miss out' you accept all manner of intrusive behavior. Okay, so if you're not lazy, then what are you? If you're not protecting yourself from people and situations that diminish your quality of life...what are you doing?

When students are accepted into the Shinseidokan the terms and conditions are set by me? You may think that as the teacher in your dojo you're the one setting these things too, but that's not always true. You may explain to a new student what is expected of them, but as time passes you can bet they will seek to make changes. When that time comes, then you'll learn whose terms and conditions are in play. No doubt many of you are in for a real shock!

From Miyazato Eiichi sensei I came to understand this....set your own terms and conditions, live by them. If they are any good, you'll find others are interested. If they're not, you''ll find you have to advertise!