1. Types of addresses
* Network Address
- Standard way to refer to a network, e.g. "the network.“
- All hosts in it have the same network bits (high-order bits).
- The lowest address: reserved for the network address.
- The part routers use to forward packets
* Broadcast Address
- Special address allowing communication to all hosts in a network.
- Send a single packet addressed to the broadcast address, it’ll be sent to all hosts in
the network.
- Uses the highest address in the network range.
* Host Address
- Unique address that belong to every end device
- The values range between the network address and the broadcast address.
2. Types of networks
* Unicast
- The process of sending a packet from one host to an individual host.
- Used for all normal traffic.
* Broadcast
- The process of sending a packet from one host to all hosts in the network.
- Used for the location of special services/devices for which the address is not known or
when a host needs to provide information to all the hosts on the network.
* Multicast
- The process of sending a packet from one host to a selected group of hosts.
- e.g. Video & audio distribution, Routing information exchange by routing protocols,
Distribution of software, News feeds